President's Message

Thank you for visiting our site. As President of Francis, Edward & Cronin, Inc, I am glad that you have found us. I hope the site gives you a sense of the commitment to public service and helping organizations do good work and meet their goals that we try to showcase everyday in our work and in our actions.
Our guiding principle is the “Chopper Test.” Chopper is the nickname for my nephew (shown at left with Vice-President Al Gore). The Chopper Test states that I need to be able to look him in the eye and tell him what kind of clients we have or what kind of work we’re doing. This should be the first hurdle any prospective client should have to clear. If I’m not comfortable telling my family what I’m doing, then I will not do it.
We will only represent clients that are promoting a public good.
We look for clients that are new to advocacy that have a great story to tell, but not the internal resources to tell that story to governmental organizations.
We look for clients that are either nonprofits or have the culture of putting their clients and mission before profits.
We look for clients that will be fun to work with.
We look for clients that will make the world a better place to live.
Each night when my daughters go to bed, I tell them that tomorrow could be the day they change the world.
If you feel the way we do, let’s work together and make tomorrow the day we change the world.